Wednesday, March 25, 2009


we had our pj for first period on Wednesdays. after PJ was BM and after BM was Agama/Moral. our BM and Moral teacher were not around. so we got 3 periods of free time *except for me ofc. i got agama -.- * lai yenn was cheering for the free time. suddenly the whole school like cheering with her. then farrah came to the front door and said " eh ada latihan kebakaran la ! " i was like " oh really ? " haha. the whole class can't even hear the siren right class ? tht is dangerous. the whole class don't even panic -.- we took our own sweet time to go down to the padang. haha. by the time we reached padang im sure we were burnt already if there's a real fire. haha :P we weren't suppose to bring anything with us but some of us brought books *including me & petunlia* it was freaking hot at the padang man. the sun was shining very brightly. why did school have to do the latihan kebakaran on a sunny day ? haiyaaa. we had to line up according to class -__- then, the firemen demonstrated ways to extinguish the fire. haha. they let the student try. i dont think any of 4sc2 tried. hmm. afterwards, we had to gathered at the dataran perhimpunan to listen to wht the fireman said i think . haha. no one even paid attention kan ? :P went back to class. 5 minutes after, recess time ! in the end, our 3 period of free times turned out to be not free time at all . hahahahahha. too bad .

Monday, March 23, 2009

Bio was FUN :)

UPDATED ! with pictures :D

4 science 2 did one bio experiment with potatoes today :) while waiting for the potatoes experimented ? me and laiyenn and carina and cassandra and shu qin and hui yee and who else yeah ? played with the cylindershapepotatoes. cut them into slices. put them on a tissue and cassie said can make wantan -___-" haha. other tables also played with their potatoes :) cassandra called pn caroline to borrow her camera. i took some pictures too. will upload them here once i get it from pn caroline ;)


puiquan's group i think .andy with his potato .zen yangjeffrey with his cheeselikepotato . haha.ours ! haha. potato wantan -____-"

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Karaoke Trip Confirmed

The Karaoke trip has been confirmed.

Time: 12pm ( meet there )
Venue: Sunway Pyramid
Transport: Own Transportation
Date: 14th March
Day: Saturday

Those who are going please try to confirm with me.

Just worried suddenly got 1 person go only +_+

If you want, I can ask around about transportation.

Maybe a few of you could car pool.

I'm sure some of you stay at the same area right? Haha.

Anyway, if the guys ( Cluck Cluck Cluck ! I hear Chickens !! ) don't wanna go karaoke, maybe you all could arrange to go somewhere else.

Like Yun Ming said: Bowling ( yawns , Archery Rawks ! )

Or like Choon Weng said: Pembuat Pasu Bunga yang Berbulu.

*Yes Sarmila, he's bad*

We'll see how then ;)

Over and Out.

Need go do Essay +_+


just a reminder.


which is on 23 march, monday :P

and oh tomorrow no PJ :)

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Humor of the day.

I think it was last Monday (or Tuesday) , where we were having our Biology lesson. And half way through , Mr.Suresh brought the "What boys can do and what girls can't do" topic up.

And somehow , it lead him to another topic. According to Mr.Suresh , there's girl in his ex school asked , "Cikgu , kenapa benda-benda yang kotor ini diajar di sekolah?" (She meant reproduction) He said after thinking for a long long long long time , he finaly manage to answer that girl's question. (Dunno true bo)

Mr.Suresh's answer. (According to what I can remember la)

There's a girl , and she's 12 years old. One day , she went to the school and she heard one 'perkataan yang kotor' which is 'haid'. She went back home and told her dad , " Ayah , saya terdengar rakan-rakan saya bercakap tentang 'haid' sambil gelak ketawa. Adakah itu satu perkataan yang kotor?" And her dad said , " Tidak perlu risau. Itu ialah perkataan yang bersih. Maksudnya ialah rumah." Actually it means period.

The next day , she went to school and again , she heard another 'perkataan yang kotor' which is 'senyawa'. Again , she went back home and told her dad , "Ayah , saya terdengar rakan-rakan saya bercakap tentang 'senyawa'. Adakah itu perkataan yang kotor juga?" And her dad said , "Tidak perlu risau. Itu juga suatu perkataan yang bersih. Maksudnya ialah beli." Actually it means fertilisation.

And so , one day , her dad's friend came over. But her dad wasn't around. So her dad's friend asked , "Mana ayah kamu?" And she replied ,"Ayah saya baru keluar haid. Dia nak senyawa ayam."

And since that onwards , no one asked Mr.Suresh why did they teach Reproduction in school.

Get the joke? LOL!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Karaoke Trip

Cassie was having a chat with Lai Yenn, Wen Ting, Pui Quan, Choon Weng, Andy & Yun Ming.

Cassie: Hey, do you guys wanna go Karaoke at Sunway Pyramid during the March Holidays?

* Mainly everyone agreed , they thought it'd might be fun, except for Yun Ming *

Yun Ming: I shy la.

Lai Yenn: Why don't we go ice skating then?

Yun Ming: That's Worst.


Yun Ming: Why not we go bowling?

Cassie: Bowling's boring. Like that I would go for Archery -.-

Andy: If Karaoke don't want, Ice Skating also don't want, Bowling also don't want, Archery also don't one, better we all watch movie.

Cassie: No nice movie to watch now

Choon Weng: Watch Pembuat Pasu Bunga Yang Berbulu la.

All: Huh? *blur face*

Choon Weng: Harry Potter la.


By The Way, this Karaoke trip is for real. If anyone is interested to go ( 4 Science 2 or friends of 4 Science 2 Students) , Please inform Cassie. Will give you info about the Karaoke in school.

4th of March 2009

i brought my dslr today :) here are some pictures ;

our noticeboard :)

our birthday chart. yeah we conquered the wall :D haha

wen kiat

zen yang

khai yi being bully. hahaha :P

huda and lai yenn

lai yenn, huda and cassie

the boys stupid game during addmath -___-

yours truly, nurulhuda (:

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Opening Post

This is the official blog for 4 Science 2 students of SMK Kota Kemuning.

Sorry about the Pink Pink color.

Haven't really got to set everything yet